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Dunsborough’s Sculptures by the Bay – March 2023
Some of the wonderful sculptures from the recent “Sculptures by the Bay” exhibition held in Dunsborough, Western Australia. It is truly amazing the imagination and creativity that these artists possess.

Busselton’s “Out Of The Woods” Concert – April 2022
Busselton hosted the “Out of the Woods” concert over the Anzac Day long weekend. The following images were taken around sunset on the evening of the first night.

These are a few new images of Amy taken on the beach in Busselton.

Gold prospecting in the Western Australia goldfields:

The Weekend Australia magazine featured paperbark tree microscope image:
TWAM_20180908Microscope images used for facade of Neuroscience research building.
The Ralph and Patricia Sarich Neuroscience Research Institute in Perth, Western Australia has used my images to decorate the external windows of the new building. The final image is approximately 67 metres long x 13 metres high in size and is printed onto the glass at a resolution of 20 pixels/inch.

Ongoing photography projects: